There are several ways that a person could be injured while on the job, but one of the most legally complicated is suffering an injury due to the fault of one of your co-workers. Co-worker-caused injuries can leave you in a very vulnerable financial situation, especially if your injury causes you to be out of work for any extended period of time.
After you’ve been hurt because of the negligence or direct action of a co-worker, it’s important to know what to do and how an attorney can help. Here are a few facts to consider after you’ve been hurt by a co-worker and information for fighting a denied claim.
What to Do Immediately Following Your Injury
If you’ve suffered an injury due to a co-worker, it’s important that you take action as quickly as possible.
First, you must immediately notify your employer of the injury. After notification, your employer will get in touch with any potential authorities and will help make sure that you receive any necessary medical care.Â
Secondly, you need to document the circumstances resulting in your injury, and your injuries themselves, as fully as possible. Be aware that if you delay reporting or documenting your injury, it can put your claim at risk.
File a Report After You’ve Been Hurt by a Co-Worker
Depending on the state that you live in, you may be required to fill out an injury accident report before you will be able to receive any compensation. Filling out this report completely and correctly will be integral in receiving compensation for your injuries.
When filling out your accident report, it’s key that you include the right information. Primarily, your accident report will need to outline the full extent of your injury, including every area of your body that’s suffered harm. It’s also important to include what caused your accident and when it occurred, the co-worker that was involved and what sort of medical treatment you’ve received.
Information Related to Civil Claims
Unfortunately, your employer will only cover injuries caused by a coworker that occurred during normal work tasks. If a co-worker has caused you harm in a capacity unrelated to work, you will need to file a civil suit to receive any sort of compensation. Because civil suits can be very complicated, it’s crucial to get advice from an experienced work injury lawyer before deciding on this legal route.
Secure Legal Representation
Protect your interests after you’ve been hurt by a co-worker by consulting Braker White. The attorneys at Braker White are experienced in personal injury law, and we can help you after a workplace injury. Schedule a free case review with a work injury lawyer in Odessa and Midland today.