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What You Can Do If You Have Been Injured in a Scaffolding Accident at Work in Odessa, TX

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Construction is perhaps the most dangerous industry that there is, possessing countless hazards and thousands of annual injuries and, sadly, deaths. One of the leading causes of injury and death on a construction site is problems with scaffolding, and if you or a loved one has suffered a scaffolding related injury, then you may be considering a lawsuit to get your deserved compensation.

Before filing your lawsuit, however, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can about scaffolding cases and the best way to win your suit. Learn the legal ramifications of scaffolding accidents, and discover the most important factors to consider before filing your personal injury suit.

Standards Meant to Prevent Scaffolding Accidents

Your first step in planning your personal injury lawsuit is to learn more about the safety standards that apply to the operation and maintenance of scaffolding. As with almost every work site across the country, scaffolding safety regulations are outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA regulations are meant to protect workers and can also be a good resource when gathering evidence.

A few of the most important OSHA rules when it comes to scaffolding include the ability to support up to four times the expected weight requirements, keeping scaffolding clear of tools and other obstacles, making sure the boards overlap by twelve inches and ensuring proper scaffolding support.

Facts About Scaffolding Accident Lawsuits

After a scaffolding accident has occurred, your case will rest on three important factors. If you can’t demonstrate proof in these three areas, then you will not be able to win your case or receive the compensation that you need.

First, you will need to prove that someone on your construction site was legally responsible for maintaining the safety of the scaffolding. Secondly, you must provide evidence that this person failed to uphold their legal duty. Lastly, you will need to show you experienced great harm as a result of the unsafe scaffolding conditions. If you have solid proof in each of these areas, you will be well on the way to winning your personal injury lawsuit.

Damages You Might Be Eligible For

An important part of your scaffolding personal injury lawsuit is to examine the type of damages you might be entitled to should you win your case. Fortunately, there are several types of damages you may receive after a scaffolding accident, depending on the facts of your case.

If you win your personal injury lawsuit, you may receive damages to pay for your medical bills, to replace wages lost due to your injury, to make up for pain and suffering or as restitution for your diminished quality of life.

Ask for Advice from an Attorney

After you or a loved one has been hurt as a result of unsafe scaffolding, it’s an excellent idea to learn about scaffolding accidents and your options for filing a lawsuit from Braker White.

Personal injury lawsuits can be difficult when you’re on your own, but they are much easier than you might imagine when you have help from Robert White, Greta Braker, and the legal team at Braker White. Get in touch with one of our attorneys today so that we can discuss the facts of your case.